These days have been pretty damn busy. I have to balance my work, Nihongo studies, love life, family life, and of course, my personal time. Things at work have been crazy lately: so many new technologies to learn, demanding targets, and to top it all, Nihongo classes. I don't mind studying Nihongo, not at all. In fact, I look forward to my Nihongo class: it somehow takes my stress off a bit. Also, I can write Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji pretty well. But for the past weeks, my work has been so demanding that I haven't got enough time to study, rest, sleep, and do my personal stuff. You know what I have discovered?
1. I haven't done my laundry in a month. A month.
2. BUT, I still have ironed clothes to wear from my cabinet. And I think I can last for another month without doing my laundry.
3. I also have a hamperful of clothes that I can wear, but are not yet ironed.
...which lead to me to an inevitable truth:
I have TOO many clothes!
Gosh, I don't know how I acquired them all! They're like viruses-- very fast to multiply.
Oh well, I think I might dispose some of them, give to my brother's girlfriend, or to my sisters. ^____^
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