Sometimes I just want to be be asleep, coz when I am, I get to be with you.
I can just talk to you, face to face, and it seems we can understand each other.
And like we used to, this kind of problem we are experiencing right now, it just vanishes.
Nothing matters.
How many days since I last saw you?
43 days.
And do you miss me?
I miss you every damn day.
I will give you space, if that's what you really need.
I am just here, even if you're not sure if your path will lead to mine.
Coz, I am sure that you're the one I want and love to be with.
I am just here, mahal.
Please do remember that..
Are you looking at the right places? Is the one lacking not in our relationship, but actually inside you, in yourself?
And if you decided to come back to me, I will embrace and welcome you with open arms,
like I always used to.
My two cents:
Love in a relationship is never tested when the sky is clear: only, and always,
during the storm. Every relationship needs a lot of effort to work out.
Am I still worth it?
And if not, I need to walk away from your life, too.
Even if right now, I can't imagine how.
But I need to. I have to.
I will just bring all the memories of the times I am with you, with your family and friends.
All the good times and bad times. Especially the bad times, coz right after those times, you were still with me.
And if you're wondering..
Are you worth it?
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